Men's Fellowship
The St. Peter's Men's Fellowship started 3 years ago with a twofold mission of increasing our knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith and to build fellowship among the men in our parish. We do this by meeting most Monday mornings between 6:40am and 8am.
The first part of our meeting is strictly fellowship and coffee, this is followed by videos featuring Catholic theologians - primarily but not exclusively Bishop Barron and Word of Fire. We then discuss and share what we have heard, usually in small groups. Our belief is that Catholic men are called to lead in their families and the community. Our meetings help us consider and discuss current day faith and secular issues. We grow, learn, and lean on each other.
We meet in the Seton Room, in the back of our Parish office complex. Our upcoming Spring session begins Jan. 13th. All our welcome to join us at any time during this 14 week session.
If you are interested, please contact Tim Melvin.